Our Bylaws

(Amended 2023)

ASL Versions of Articles & Sections are viewable by clicking their respective GREEN hyperlinks.

Thank you to all of our VTRID members who helped craft the current bylaws in both ASL & written English.

Article 1 – Name

The name of this organization shall be Vermont Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (VTRID).

Article II – Purposes

Section I:  The purpose of this organization shall be:

a.  To promote Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled, and Hard of Hearing (DDBDDHH) awareness;

b.  To promote the development of qualified interpreters;

c.  To increase consumer knowledge of the interpreter’s role and services;

d.  To support interpreters in achieving and maintaining national certification;

e.  To provide workshops, training, and mentorship for interpreters;

f.   To protect the rights of interpreters and clients;

g.  To be involved in legislation concerning interpreters and the DDBDDHH community;

h.  To act as a resource regarding interpreting;

i.   To promote the RID Code of Professional Conduct (CPC) for interpreters and transliterators.

Section II:  Affiliations

This organization shall be non-profit and non-political.  No activities shall be undertaken for the individual profit of any of its officers and /or members; and no alliance, financial or otherwise shall be made with any political party or any candidate for political office.

Article III – Membership

Section I: Eligibility

Membership shall be available to any person who has an interest in and who supports the general purposes of VTRID. No persons shall be denied membership on the basis of sex, race, color, creed, disability or sexual preference.

Section II: Dues

Membership fees may be considered and set by the membership.  Payment is due by the first day of July.  Membership cycle follows the Fiscal Year (July 1-June 30).

Section III: Categories

This organization shall have the following categories of membership:

  1. Interpreter Member: Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled, Hard of Hearing, Deaf-Parented, or hearing individuals who are currently working as, aspiring or studying to become, or are retired interpreters.
  2. Supporting Member: Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled, Hard of Hearing, Deaf-Parented, or hearing individuals who are not interpreters, and have an interest in supporting the purposes & activities of VTRID.
  3. Organizational Member: An organization or agency that has an interest in supporting the purposes & activities of VTRID.

Section IV:  Affiliate Chapter Member Voting Rights

  • Voting Members: In accordance with the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) Dual Membership Agreement, a Voting Member of an Affiliate Chapter is a person or entity who is a member in good standing with both their Affiliate Chapter (VTRID) & the national organization (RID).  Membership within each organization can be from any category to be eligible.  Each Voting Member shall be entitled to one vote in VTRID elections, bylaws amendments, meetings, and referenda. 
  • Non-Voting Members: A person or entity who does not hold membership with both VTRID & RID is ineligible to vote in VTRID elections, bylaws amendments, meetings, and referenda.

Article IV – Positions & Terms

Section I – Elected Positions

The Leadership Team of VTRID shall consist of the following elected positions: 

All elected positions shall be held by people who are members of both VTRID & RID.  In addition to the Leadership Team, VTRID may also incorporate the following position: Honorary VTAD Liaison.

The Leadership Team of VTRID shall report to RID, Inc. as required by the national RID office.

Position descriptions are set forth below:

a. President or Co-Presidents  

This position shall be to preside over meetings, to administer and enforce the bylaws, to appoint chair people of Standing Committees as set forth elsewhere in these bylaws. This position shall be a communication link between committees and the general membership.  This position shall maintain files for the organization to be passed onto an incoming president.

b. The Vice President/Secretary  

This position shall serve as assistant to the President, shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the President, shall transcribe the minutes of each meeting, shall carry on the general correspondence of the chapter, shall be custodian of the records, shall issue notice of meetings to the membership, and shall present minutes of the previous meeting to all members before the next meeting.

c. Treasurer 

This position shall have the custody of and be responsible for all funds, shall receive and give receipts for money due and payable to the organization, shall deposit all money in the bank in the name of the organization, shall prepare financial statements prior to the regular meetings, and present the same to membership at the meetings.  The Treasurer shall submit the VTRID Affiliate Chapter Annual Report to RID.  Treasurer shall also maintain files for the organization to be passed on to the incoming treasurer.

d. Deaf Member-At-Large (DMAL) & Member-At-Large (MAL)

These positions shall serve as Representatives of VTRID.  All At-Large positions shall be liaisons between the general membership and the Leadership Team. These positions shall bridge ideas, concerns, and input between members and the Leadership Team so that VTRID can better connect & collaborate as a whole. 

e. Honorary Vermont Association of the Deaf (VTAD) Liaison: Appointed by VTAD

This position shall give insight and feedback on how VTRID can best serve the Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled, & Hard of Hearing community, and provide a link between VTAD & VTRID. 

Section II – Terms

a. The term for all elected positions shall be for two years.  Terms begin on April 2nd.   

The term & start date for the Honorary VTAD Liaison position shall be determined by VTAD.

The Leadership Team will serve staggered terms; President, Vice President/Secretary, and Treasurer will be elected on odd years, while DMAL & MAL will be elected on even years. 

b. VTRID Members are permitted to serve two consecutive terms (total of four years).  Members may also serve more terms consecutively if the membership approves, by show of vote.  

Section III – Position Vacancies

In the event of a vacancy, except for the office of the President, a successor shall be elected to serve the remainder of the term by majority of the membership present at the next meeting.  The Vice President/Secretary shall assume the office of the President if a vacancy occurs.

Article V— Elections and Special Votes

Section I – Procedure

Nominations of positions shall be solicited in February/March.  Candidates’ names and corresponding positions sought will be announced at least 14 days prior to electronic voting link being sent out.  Election of positions shall be carried out electronically by March 30th. The membership shall consider the nominations and shall vote for the person of their choice for each position.  A simple majority for each position shall constitute election. 

Section II – Special Votes

Electronic voting may also be used in the case of special votes as deemed by the Leadership Team of VTRID.

Section III: Responsible Parties

The current Leadership Team shall be responsible for arranging all aspects of special votes.

The current Leadership Team shall appoint an Elections Committee to be responsible for arranging all aspects of elections.

Article VI—Committees

Ad Hoc committees shall be established by membership, as needed.

Article VII—Meetings

Section I – Schedule

VTRID shall hold an annual membership meeting.
VTRID may hold additional regular membership meetings if desired/warranted.

Section II – Purpose 

The purpose of the business meetings shall be to stimulate the membership towards the objectives and purposes of VTRID as set forth in Article II of these bylaws and to conduct business of the organization.   

Section III – Language of Use

VTRID meetings shall be conducted in American Sign Language (ASL).

Article VIII – Rules of Order

The organization shall follow a process to arrive at consensus and/but will also take a vote when the group deems it necessary/appropriate.

Article IX – Amendments

These bylaws may be amended upon electronic vote of two-thirds of the membership.  Amendments, additions, or deletions must be submitted to the membership 30 days prior to the electronic vote.

Article X – Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of VTRID shall begin on the 1st day of July and end on the 30th day of June each year.

Article XI – Dissolution (This link includes Sections 1 & 2)

Section I: Notification

Should VTRID be dissolved, for any reason whatsoever, notice of dissolution will be given to membership at least 30 days prior to a business meeting. 

Section II:  Finances

Any balance remaining in the treasury, and/or any other assets in its possession, shall be turned over to another organization whose main objectives and purposes are to encourage and promote Deaf awareness and interpreting services.  The decision as to which organization shall be the recipient of the money and/or assets shall be made by membership via electronic vote.