Dec updates

Dec updates

December’s ASL Video:

Good Day, VTRID!

We are already excited about our next Monthly Musing, so wanted to share the visual prompts now, as well as pass along some great resources for folks to check out. We will also send out a reminder 2 days beforehand. In the meantime – save the new date (we realized that our original date fell during Chanukah).

Join us on Zoom on Thursday, December 9th from 7-8pm for our third Monthly Musing!

December’s Topic: Anti-Blackness / White Privilege 

Free and open to VTRID members.

Meeting will be held in ASL. 

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 290 684 1845

Passcode: Tea&Treats

Visual Prompts for Musing in December:

  1. Privilege (Conversation in ASL)
  2. Black Parents Explain How do Deal with the Police (in English with subtitles)


Save the dates! 

Future Monthly Musings: January 6, February 3, March 3 

Take gentle care.

~elizabeth & rae  🙂